Benefits of Whey Protein For Fighting Fat, Diabetes And More

The benefits of whey protein are constantly being uncovered by researchers. Since antiquity people have used whey to enhance their health in various ways. Everyone from growing children to elite athletes can benefit from a high-quality whey protein supplement.

Milk Whey

This by-product of cheese production from cow's milk has found its way into the mainstream of nutrition planning for individuals seeking optimal health. Technology is constantly improving to provide extremely high quality whey protein supplements that are easily mixed and conveniently incorporated into one's daily diet

Milk Whey

The benefits of whey protein are many and far-reaching. Here are some of the most significant of these benefits:

Weight management. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions today due to the prevalence of high-fat, high-calorie, and low nutrient foods. Whey protein is an excellent source of low-fat, low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, and low-glycemic index of high quality protein. Replace your lunch-time hamburger with a whey protein shake and watch the pounds melt off.
Sugar management. Along with obesity, diabetes is becoming a growing health concern. The number of diabetics is exploding and causing a whole host of medical problems. Whey protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates including glucose into the blood stream. Stable blood sugar levels are very important for long-term health of many major body organs.
Pregnancy management. A fetus and an infant require protein for development of vital organs. For this reason, a pregnant or lactating mother might consider incorporating whey protein into their daily diet.
Snack management. Snacking is a real problem in staying lean and fit when it seems like our appetites are never satisfied. Our bodies release certain hormones to suppress our appetites. Two of these hormones are stimulated by components of whey protein. This can have a great benefit all day but especially at night when we tend to snack on very unhealthy foods.
Heart management. One of the leading causes of death is cardiovascular disease. Research has shown that whey protein helps fight hypertension and lower cholesterol. Proper nutrition utilizing whey protein can be helpful in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Cancer management. Promising research reveals that whey protein inhibits the growth of certain cancer tumors. Of particular interest is the research demonstrating that women with high levels of cysteine had a 56% reduction in the risk of breast cancer. Whey protein is rich in cysteine and hopefully will be seen as one of the ways to help prevent breast cancer.
Aging management. Lean muscle mass diminishes with age. Whey protein has shown promise in deterring this effect of the aging process. There is also evidence that whey protein helps strengthen bones and prevent bone loss.
Stress management. The stress hormone, cortisol, has many negative effects on the body. Whey protein decreases the production of cortisol and increases the calm-producing hormone, serotonin.
Gums management. Periodontal disease leads to premature tooth loss with its destruction of supporting bone and soft tissue. Whey protein appears to help inhibit periodontal disease.
Health management. The optimum functioning of our immune system is critical in maintaining a high level of health and fitness. Glutathione is an antioxidant that plays an important role in the function of our immune system. Whey protein raises the level of glutathione and enhances the immune system.

These benefits can be yours by incorporating a high-quality whey protein supplement into your diet. You should always consult your physician before making any changes in your diet.

Benefits of Whey Protein For Fighting Fat, Diabetes And More
Milk Whey

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