Cytosport Muscle Milk

Have you tried Cytosport Muscle Milk?

Milk Whey

Don't be fooled by the name, this protein supplement is not literally milk from muscle. It is actually a revolutionary formula that provides you with the highest quality protein and vitamins for maximum muscle building and fat burning power.

Milk Whey

If you are interested in building muscle then you know how important it is to buy a protein supplement along with a workout and diet. Muscle Milk is the best protein supplement you will buy because aside from working to help you build lean muscle it also comes in a dozen of great flavors.

Of course Cytosport knows that drinking the same flavor everyday can be boring, that is why you can choose from tasty flavors such as the new Cake Batter or the classic Chocolate and other unique flavors such as Banana Creme, Cookies n Creme, Mocha, Dulce de Leche, Pina Colada, Root Bear, Strawberry and the list goes on!

What other protein supplement have you seen offer so many flavors to choose from! But that's not all. Aside from the regular protein powder Muscle Milk also comes in protein bars, ready-to-go shakes, cereal and pudding as well so you don't have to bore yourself with the same old protein shakes.

If you are serious about burning fat and building muscle then you need Muscle Milk to help you reach your goal. Not only does muscle milk help you build muscle but it also helps your muscles recover faster after workouts and it contains "Lean Lipids" that work towards getting you leaner.

Make the right choice and buy Muscle Milk in one of their many tasty flavors!

Cytosport Muscle Milk
Milk Whey

Electric Griddle